Choose Organic
How to build a better world

Choose to Go Organic: How Your Food Choices Can Shrink Your Footprint
The products we buy have rippling effects on the planet. Organic foods offer a way to eat that nourishes our bodies while also fostering ecological balance. By purchasing organic, consumers can promote sustainable agriculture practices that protect valuable resources.
Avoid Toxic Runoff
Conventional farms rely heavily on synthetic pesticides and fertilizers. These chemical inputs pollute surrounding soil and waterways, disrupting delicate ecosystems. Organic operations forgo these harmful substances, using natural alternatives that don’t contaminate the environment.
Preserve Fresh Water
The fertilizers used on conventional commercial farms contain high levels of nitrogen and phosphorus. When they run off into water systems, these compounds deplete oxygen levels and spur excessive algae growth. This process, called eutrophication, severely threatens aquatic life. Organic fertilizers mitigate this issue.
Build Healthy Soil
Synthetic fertilizers focus on growing big, fast crops. But this guzzles nutrients from the earth, leaving soil depleted. Organic farmers use natural fertilizers that replenish the complex balance of organisms and minerals in soil, fostering long-term fertility.
Support Biodiversity
The pesticides and monocropping methods of conventional agriculture have drastically reduced farmland biodiversity. Organic operations provide varied habitats that allow diverse insects, birds, and animals to thrive. These contribute to a robust food web.
Mitigate Climate Change
The heavy reliance of conventional agriculture on fossil fuel-based chemicals increases greenhouse gas emissions. Organic systems build soil health naturally, sequestering more carbon. Rich organic soil also retains more water, boosting climate resilience.
While cost can be a barrier, premiums reflect sustainable farming’s true cost. With myriad ecological benefits, organic food promotes planetary health in every bite. Through mindful consumer choices, we invest in protecting the one planet we call home.