Caring is sharing

At TEMPO we believe in kindness, and compassion, and generosity. We believe that if we allow it, kindness is a natural reaction, and it makes us all better people.

Giving to others makes us feel good about ourselves, and it also has the potential to make others emulate the behavior of giving. Doing good is growing as a movement, as regular folk step in all around the world to volunteer and help others.

The great thing about kindness is that it is contagious. At TEMPO we’ve always known that, but there are numerous studies that corroborate this. One such study was conducted by the University of California, Los Angeles, as well as the University of Cambridge and University of Plymouth in the United Kingdom. The study showed that once you adopt a ‘moral elevation’ where you say that you want to be a better person – this mindset makes you take opportunities that come your way to act proactively.

With that in mind, we invite you to share stories of goodness. We want stories about people doing good things to go viral just so we enable those doing good things to amplify their efforts. We ask that everyone makes a concerted effort to show more kindness, and compassion and generosity. We also invite you to share your thoughts and what inspires you.

Embrace the energy, and do give a damn.

Spread kindness and harmony.