Global BrainTrust Redflags AI Hallucinations

July 1, 2024 – Seattle, USA

“AI hallucinations” are results generated by AI models that are usually caused by wrong or insufficient data points, which lead to errors, misinformation, biases and incorrect assumptions.

The Global BrainTrust flags the immediate need to address AI hallucination risks now as they can potentially pose incalculable dangers to humans.


Senior Technology Advisor, The Global BrainTrust

“Risks emerge when important decisions are made by policymakers that are based on erroneous information, which can invariably lead to adverse impacts to humans.

“Data is king. AI results are based on the quantity, quality and accuracy of the datasets available. A ‘hallucination’ can occur in medicine, for example, where AI classifies healthy human tissue as cancerous because of insufficient data points of healthy tissue to reference.

“Hallucinations take different forms, such as an incorrect prediction of an unfolding event. It can be a false positive, identifying a threat that doesn’t exist that could lead to an extreme response. Or it could be a false negative where a real risk is not identified due to lack of data, creating a false sense of security.”

SANA BAGERSH – Founder, The Global BrainTrust

“People will be impacted, both positively and negatively. Our concern is that we will become too dependent on AI that we are complacent, and lazy, to question results that are outright misinformation or hallucinations inadvertently or maliciously generated. AI spews whatever data it is fed on, which is why we must ensure the integrity of the data that is representative, of all parts of the world.

“We know no guardrails exist yet, but we are red flagging this for all those in the dark, especially developing nations with no access to the conversation, let alone to prevention, protection and recourse.”

Higher Education/ Learning Advisor, The Global BrainTrust

Professor of Computing, Machine Learning, and Analytics, Abonamah offers a simple example: “I asked ChatGPT to count my research papers, and it reported there were sixty, which was inaccurate. I then asked it to list the names of the last 10 papers and it got only two papers correct, while the other eight were made up. When I challenged it, it apologized and recommended I check Google Scholar. The moral here is that when using ChatGPT everyone must verify all responses.”

RAMSI HASHASH – Productivity Advisor, The Global BrainTrust

Productivity Specialist, Hashash says AI hallucinations are a threat because most people are unaware that AI merely predicts strings of words that match a specific query without applying logic and factoring inconsistencies. A user assumes that the text is faultless, shares it, then action is taken based on the erroneous information.

“AI will increasingly dominate our future, from hospitals, to the aeronautic industry, to schools, to the military industry where one day robots will lead military operations.”

Government Development Economics Advisor, The Global BrainTrust

Kohlberg, who developed AR/VR technologies in mental illness symptomatology, says AI hallucinations pose an existential threat because of the immersive realities generated by artificial intelligence.

 “AI is non-discerning in who can be exposed and succumb to hallucinations, due to the immersive nature and variations of the technology. AI answers can be perceived as absolute truths due to confirmation bias, progressively further distancing oneself from reality through repeated exposure. Hallucinations derived from AI informed immersive pseudo-realities can further compound social isolation and group norm issues, leading to a continuous cycle of mental health degradation. Limited exposure, access to further research, discernment and fact checking skills will be required more than ever.

“Vulnerable communities from developing countries might have a more intense reaction towards AI exposure due to lack of awareness. But the immersive nature of these technologies can easily influence even a tech proficient individual to the point of hallucination, delusion and psychosis.”

Dr. WASSEEM ABAZA – Entrepreneurship Advisor, The Global BrainTrust

Abaza, a university professor, points to high risks because of the incorrect belief that AI validates its outputs. He identifies the sectors most susceptible to risk as being in education, government, security, finance and health. 

“AI in its current form is based on a fundamentally flawed assumption about its “intelligence” as it does not implement critical analysis. Its is a cumulation of raw data found on the internet, which can be incorrect because anyone can post anything online, leading inevitably to hallucinations. AI is not ‘bad’ intrinsically, but it requires developers, advocates, advisory groups, and the media to remind users to always apply their own critical thinking.”

BRIE ALEXANDER – African Diaspora Cultural Advisor, The Global BrainTrust

Alexander, who focuses on the broader impact of technology, is concerned about AI hallucination risks to marginalized communities, saying the curation of information influences user perspectives and knowledge.

“AI-driven summarization of search results highlights a significant issue in the modern digital landscape, and the true danger is even more alarming. In the Global South, particularly in Africa, where misinformation has been a strategic tool for decades, risks are magnified. AI-driven curation can exacerbate misinformation, hinder access to diverse perspectives, perpetuate existing biases, and further undermine trust and informed decision-making in these regions.

“Apart from hallucinations, algorithmic bias can inadvertently or deliberately reflect the biases of their creators, often from developed nations, leading to information that does not accurately reflect local contexts or perspectives. Another risk is content filtering where companies controlling the AI align content with specific agendas, often foreign interests, limiting exposure to diverse and locally relevant viewpoints.”

ZESHAN ZAFAR – Interfaith Affairs Advisor, The Global BrainTrust

An expert in global faith-based affairs, Zafar says people must know about the risks of misleading content, such as when deep fakes are presented as real videos. “There needs to be a mobilization to criminalize deep fakes as in child pornography cases, and to establish criminal penalties.

“We need urgent action from governments and policy advocates to impose proactive measures, new laws, and policies with broad outreach to warn people about the dangers of disinformation. Faith leaders can also help raise awareness about the risks to their communities.”



Sana Bagersh, Founder and CEO – The Global BrainTrust
Sana Bagersh is an interculturalist with international experience developing and marketing projects in Africa, Europe, the USA and the Arabian Gulf. Bagersh set up The Global Braintrust so people from across the globe can be represented in the AI conversation. Her social impact platforms champion women, youth, the elderly, and advocate for diversity, compassionate leadership, sustainability, resilient communities and human-centered tech. In 2009 she established Tamakkan to support small businesses (, and Tempo to promote bridge-building, social entrepreneurs and “everyday people doing extraordinary things.” ( She launched The Smovies in 2014 as a grass-roots short film competition platform to amplify user-generated public-good content. ( After the disruption of Covid, Bagersh authored “What a Leader Should Be’ on compassionate and decisive leadership, and World4Good to promote successful blueprints for a better world. (

Professor Ahmed Banafa – Senior Technology Advisor, The Global BrainTrust
Professor Banafa is a distinguished expert in IoT, Blockchain, Cybersecurity, and AI with a strong background in research, operations, and management. He has been recognized for his outstanding contributions, receiving the Certificate of Honor from the City and County of San Francisco, the Haskell Award for Distinguished Teaching from the University of Massachusetts Lowell, and the Author & Artist Award from San Jose State University. Prof. Banafa is an accomplished author known for impactful books. His work “Secure and Smart Internet of Things (IoT) using Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence (AI)” earned him the San Jose State University Author and Artist Award and recognition as one of the Best Technology Books of All Time and Best AI Models Books of All Time. His book on “Blockchain Technology and Applications” also received acclaim and is integrated into curricula at prestigious institutions like Stanford University.

Dr Abdullah Abonamah – Higher Ed & Learning Advisor, The Global BrainTrust
Professor Abdullah served as President and Provost of the Abu Dhabi School of Management, providing executive leadership, spearheading strategic initiatives to propel organizational growth and excellence. With a focus on fostering innovation and efficiency, he leads the design and development of academic programs, ensuring their alignment with evolving industry trends and academic standards through local and international accreditations. Dr Abdullah champions the integration of emerging technologies and streamlined processes, facilitating agile project management and resource optimization. In nurturing a culture of adaptability and collaboration. He actively engages with the community through teaching, research, and advocacy, bolstering the organization’s reputation and visibility through meaningful outreach efforts.

Ramsi Hashash – Productivity Advisor, The Global BrainTrust
Master Productivity Specialist and Executive Coach. expertise in lean management, productivity improvement, and new business development to help clients across various industries achieve sustainable results and growth. Clients have included Hit Hypermarkets Poland, Superfos Denmark, Mibrag Mining & MAN Power Plants in Germany, Husqvarna in the US, Pöyry Engineering Group Finland, NHS Trusts in the UK, BSF Corporate Bank in KSA, ARASCO animal feed, and TNUSA animal feed, and AGA Anglo Gold Ashanti among others. Also served as C-level executive in the food, feed, and garment sectors, managing complex business strategies and leading multicultural teams.  Lived in eight and worked in 34 countries, building unique insight into cultural differences and client needs. In 2019, he was voted one of the Top 100 Leaders in Education by the Global Forum for Education and Learning.

Gabriella Kohlberg -Government Development Economics Advisor, The Global BrainTrust
Gabriella is a leading strategist and advisor to governments, corporate and startup entities and ecosystems. She has been one of the youngest individuals in foreign government senior advisory positions and acquired a significant amount of hands-on experience across over 65 developing and developed countries across the world. With backgrounds in international economics, marketing, data, governance, legal and finance she has a wealth of exposure, knowledge, creativity and connectivity into these worlds and bridging the gaps between different parts of their world with their individual realities and needs. With a strong ethical underpinning and holistic risk analysis skill set, she ensures that humanity’s wellbeing comes in priority to profit for sustainable business development and growth strategy towards a better future.

Dr Wasseem Abaza – Entrepreneurship Advisor, The Global BrainTrustDr. Wasseem Abaza is an Assistant Professor of Entrepreneurship at Zayed University and the Director of the University’s Award-Winning Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center. He is also the co-founder and managing director of the Founders Academy, an independent entrepreneurial education and incubation company that integrates business, psychology and sustainability in the development of young female entrepreneurs. He has provided various consulting services on Strategy, Social Innovation and Positive Organizational Development with organizations and entities such as the Dubai Executive Office, Dubai Future Foundation, DP World, Al Ahli Holding Group and the International Federation of the Red Cross/Red Crescent among others. Dr. Abaza is the former vice-chair of the Middle East Chapter of the UN’s Principles for Responsible Management Education.

Zeshan Zafar – Interfaith Affairs Advisor, The Global BrainTrust
Zeshan Zafar brings a wealth of expertise in global faith-based affairs, and has engaged with governments, including the US State Department, British Foreign Commonwealth Office, UK Prime Minister’s Office, United Nations, and World Economic Forum. Zeshan Zafar is the Executive Director of the Abu Dhabi Forum for Peace and a Commissioner for the AI Faith & Civil Society Commission. Highly experienced in the nexus of faith, society, and politics, he unites diverse groups towards dialogue and cooperation and champions global communities such as the Abu Dhabi Forum assemblies, the Marrakesh Declaration, and the Charter for a New Alliance of Virtue. Zeshan served as advisor to the World Economic Forum’s recently published ‘Faith in Action’ booklet and participated in the recent UN Consultative Meeting on Wisdom and Faith in the AI Era.

Brie Alexander – Cultural Advisor to the African Diaspora, The Global BrainTrust
Brie Alexander is a dynamic cultural producer and media entrepreneur dedicated to social impact storytelling. Her extensive nonprofit work highlights her commitment to driving change and supporting change agents, especially within Africa and the African Diaspora. Brie collaborates with diverse thought leaders to address AI’s human values and concerns. Her mission is to amplify Africa and the Diaspora’s voices, expanding those often excluded in the narrow dialogues about AI and its impact, creating narratives that reflect our collective ethos and highlight untold stories. In a media landscape dominated by divisive narratives, Brie stands out by fostering community empowerment and thoughtful dialogue.