Helping hand


Tempo Loves….Green fishing

Overfishing is one of the biggest threats to marine ecosystems. Today, over 80% of the world’s fish stocks are fully exploited, overexploited, depleted or recovering from depletion.

The UAE has a large appetite for fish, with many species being taken out well beyond sustainable levels. Studies show that the overall number of commercial fish in the country has declined by 80% in the last 30 years.
Hamour, a highly favoured fish in the UAE, is being overfished 7 times beyond its sustainable level, with a decline of 87-92% since 1978, putting it at the top of the overfished species list.
Emirates Wildlife Society, in association with the World Wide Fund for Nature, has produced the first consumer guide to sustainable fish in the country, and in the region ! In it we classified 19 popular fish types into 3 categories, based on stock assessment studies that have been carried out by fisheries scientists and biologists.  The guide assigns a colour to each of those categories (see the picture) with the colour red distinguishing overfished types that include many of the popularly consumed fish. You can pick it up from any EWS office, and you can also download it from their website
Note: The consumer guide has the names in arabic and english.

Eco Voice

Dry Eraser Board: Use a dry erase board instead of paper, this works great for messages and make for great homework helpers.
Coffee Cup Sleeve: Make a coffee cup cozy or sleeve from two layers of denim. Reduce the number of paper sleeves you use at your local cafe or slip on your own cups or mugs to protect your hands. Measure around the cup, cut and sew with a standard seam allowance.
Denim Coasters: Cut two squares from the legs and insert a layer of quilt batting between the denim. Turn under raw edges and sew closed. Stitch a decorative shape in the middle of the coaster to keep batting in place.
Reuse Take-out container: When you eat out and take something with you, more and likely you have gotten containers. These containers work great to organize your nails, screws and other small objects.
Buy Green Smart Cookware: Many big name companies are making greener and smarter cookware. This is often cookware that is made from petroleum free ceramics and other chemical free while staying non-stick.

Tempos Eco-Vote!

An innovative new Construction and Demolition Waste Recycling Plant officially opened in Al Dhafra, Abu Dhabi on May 10. The plant, which uses environmentally friendly technology, will process and recycle building waste to produce aggregate materials which can be re-used in the construction industry. It has the capacity to handle more than 5,000 tons and hopes to reach 15,000 tons in the future.

Helping hand (aka ‘the Rahama brigade’):

Arsenia De J. Baliloa, aged 47, is a single of mother of two sons, aged 13 and 14, and suffers from the effects wrought by Stage 5 Chronic Kidney Disease. In addition, she has been affected by Glomerulonephritis, a disease which causes the inflammation of the blood vessels in the kidney. She has been residing in Dubai for the past seven years working in a beauty salon and was diagnosed with the illness in April 2004. Although she is currently undergoing dialysis thrice a week, she has no source of finance for further treatment and for her return to her native country the Philippines.
Cash donations as well as any potential kidney donors are welcome and can contact her via this number: 050-9477162.


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