We Need to Stop Overfishing

By: SafiyaArif Mustafa

The population of fishes is decreasing more rapidly than the environment can handle and the main cause is overfishing! This is harmful for both the natural environment and the social and economic welfare of people dependent on fish for survival.

The Problem 

Overfishing is the practice of catching more fishes than the population can replace through natural reproduction, depleting the number of fishes in an area.According to The Choose Wisely campaign,60% of the total catch in the UAE is made up of species that are fished beyond sustainable levels. As the UAE’s population increases, the demand for fish increases tremendously to the extent where it is said that it has never been higher than now. Scientific research shows that eight percent of our most valuable commercial fish are being overexploited. Lines that are up to 50 miles long, with attached baited hooks, are left adrift to trap the fishes. Not only do these fishing nets ensnare too many fishes for the population to sustain, but attract and kill non-targeted species such as sea turtles, sharks, and sea birds as well. The non-targeted catch is discarded, which leads to an ample amount of loss and wastage of the marine life. 25% of the total catch never makes it to the market.

Overfishing may seem to be a profitable practice, but it has severe consequences, such as:

Marine life imbalance:

Overfishing is the main reason for the extinction of many different species of fishes and also the disruption of countless food chains. Targeted fishing of top predators disrupts the natural ratio of fishes and causes the smaller marine animals at the bottom of the food chain to increase in abundance. This change affects the marine ecosystem and encourages the growth of unwanted algae and threatens the coral reef health. Also,targeted fishing of smaller fishesleaves lesser food for larger fishes and reduces their chances of survival. According to The Choose Wiselycampaign,since 1978, the UAE has seen an overall decline of 80% in the average stock size for all commercial species of fishes.The decrease of fishes is a serious issue because each species plays a role in the ecosystem and must be protected to preserve the biodiversity of our seas.

Decreased Food and Economic Security:

Fishes have been the prime source of protein forcoastal inhabitants for years. Overfishing not only threatens their staple food and heritage, but also their main source of income.Farmers earn their living by selling these fishes and taking tourists for sport fishing.Therefore, overfishing at unsustainable levels will eventually affect their income and threaten their long-term food and economic security.

Heritage and Livelihoods:

Not only are fisheries a major source of income, but contribute significantly to the cultural heritage of the UAE.Located on the Arabian Peninsula and surrounded by the Arabian Gulf, the Arabian Sea, Gulf of Oman, and the Red Sea, harvesting fish has always been a main tradition in the UAE.Extinction of fishes will incur a major loss of Emirati culture and tradition. By preserving our fish, we are not only helping the environment, but safeguarding an important part of UAE’s heritage for generations to come.

The Solution

Overfishing may seem like a lost cause, but if we are all to work together and raise awareness then we can truly make a change. This is what we can do:

  1. Controls on bycatch

Enforcing laws and regulations that prohibit using techniques that might cause unintended killing or destruction of marine life. Also, disposing of the non-targeted catch should be avoided.

  1. Eating lower on the food chain

Smaller fishes are available in abundance in comparison to larger fishes which makes them more sustainable.

  1. Breeding fishes that are near extinction

Breeding grounds can be set up for species that are close to extinction and fishes can be bred there until their species have reached a more stable level.

  1. Know what you are eating

    Buy fishes that are at a more sustainable level and available in large quantity. Eating these fishes will have a much lower impact on the environment.
  1. Quotas and limits

There should be a limit on how many fishes can be caught on average. This will help in keeping a control of the fish’s population. Areas can be designated as no-fishing zones to allow fishes to recover.

  1. Spread the word

Raising awareness might seem useless and ineffective, but it plays a big role in getting the work done. Making people conscious of what wrong they are doing will encourage them to change their habits and this will help us in achieving our goal. This can be done at every level and for all ages. Young minds bring the most change.

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