Portable Solar Device Turns Saltwater Into Drinking Water

Introducing The Eliodomestico Invention

The Eliodomestico is a genius invention by Italian Gabriele Diamanti that turns salt water into drinking water without any mechanical device. It is an eco-distiller that uses solar power to convert salt water into drinking water. His intelligent invention is simple yet effective by using solar energy. He designed a device called the ‘Eliodomestico’ built-in with a desalination process.

Eliodomestico – Source – Design Boom

You could probably see a similar operation if you have ever seen an inverted coffee percolator. This device can easily be designed below USD 50. The user just needs to pour in seawater and come back later to pull out the basin that can easily be carried on the head.

Since the water is even boiled before drinking due to the solar energy action it can be consumed and ready to drink. This device is also available for purchase to any facility or person who wishes to place it in villages or places where the need for water is crucial to survival.

How Does The Eliodomestico Work?

The product features two ceramic components on top of each other. In the top piece, you will find a black-colored container where the saltwater can be poured. The heat from solar energy boils the water into steam. As pressure builds up, the steam gets pushed into a container where the water condenses after cooling.

The pressure then builds until the steam is propelled into a tube and gets deposited into a container. This is where the water then cools, condenses, and accumulates into a basin at the bottom. The Eliodomestico device can easily be carried on the head. This is how normally rural people carry pots in developing countries while fetching water.

Advantages Of The Eliodomestic

This device is immaculate where people need to travel for miles just to collect water. Here they can easily get up to 5 liters of water a day without traversing far.

The device can be placed just outside the home where the sun shines. This life-saving contraption can help villages and people who have no access to fresh water.

The Eliodomestico is constructed from several easily available raw materials and mandates no filters. Neither does it need any maintenance, or even electricity to operate which is perfect for rural areas.

The Eliodomestico Features

  • Solar Power Operation
  • 5 Liters of Drinkable Water
  • Designed to be carried on the head
  • 0 Maintenance cost
  • Easy operation
  • No Electricity Powerup
  • No Filter Swapping or Purchase
  • 0 Impact on the Environment

The Eliodomestico In The Media

The first prototype was fundraised by D’Enterprise Herme as per Gabriele’s intel s. About 8 years had gone into research and development until the product finally saw shelf life in 2012. The Eliodomestico device was even one of the finalists during the 2011 competition at Prix Emile Hermes with a special shout-out at the Well-Tech Award in 2012. The device even was a pro-winner under the social impact category at the Core 77 Design Award.

The Scarcity Of Water Explained

Water is the significance of life for every living organism. Except for saltwater marine life, almost everything else depends on freshwater to survive. Almost two-thirds of the freshwater is frozen as glaciers and on mountain tops. It is currently untappable.

Unless you have access to rivers, ponds, streams, etc. The lack of water is the biggest haunting crisis that humanitarians face. Whether it is for human consumption, irrigation, or even domestic animal farming. The need for fresh water in abundance is a must-have. Countries that are more prone to harsh droughts and deserts that lack water can use this device.

Learn more about Eliodomestico and get involved.

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