Stay above the Fray!
by Sana Bagersh
As we get ready to jump into 2017, we look back at what was indisputably a tough year for our world. We have witnessed unfortunate tragedies of war, terror and displacement and we’ve said goodbye to many people who have had a profound impact on the world of business, science, art and music. Looking ahead, although the new year may present some uncertainties there is much each of can do to ground ourselves in our goodness and truth.
This year resolve to stay above the fray. Decide to remain unflustered by the vagaries of public opinion, by extremist views, bigoted attitudes and human indecency. Stay true to your values and show gratitude for all the good around us…
We see so much goodness at Tempo in all the amazing people we write about who have resolved to live a life of giving. These are individuals who have decided to make a difference through their community engagement, their innovative solutions and their creative passions. These are generous and compassionate souls who define themselves not by what they get but by what they give.
On behalf of Tempo, I take this opportunity to express my gratitude for all the love that we receive. I want to personally wish an amazing year to our staff, our writers, our partners and all of our readers.
Stay tuned in 2017 for a better and newer Tempo.
Happy New Year.