Five Easy Ways to Conserve Energy at Home

Here are some easy tips for you to do at home to conserve energy. We at tempo have gathered some simple yet effective tips on how you can save money on your energy bill. By you doing this you are not only reducing your energy consumption at home. You are also playing a big role in helping the planet in sustaining energy. This internally helps reduce natural resource dependency.

1. No Overnight Charging

Did you know keeping your phones to charge overnight still sucks energy from sockets whether your phone is charged fully or not? You also spoil your battery if you leave it charging overnight causing your battery to overheat. This also increases the number of lithium battery replacements and more dumping land pollution. We always have busy days. Today it is difficult to live without a phone.

As a wise man like Elon Musk has mentioned that the phone has become part of our body. We use it to pass our time pay bills, communicate with family, work, surf the net and even learn new things. Most of us never keep our phones away.

People often leave their phones to charge overnight while they sleep. Since this is the only time we do not touch our phones. Keep your phones charged at home for a short while during the day itself. Go out, breathe fresh air, get some exercise done catch up on your favorite TV serial the sky is the limit.

2. No Dishwashers

Dishwashers consume a lot of power in every cycle. Whether it is to get the water hot enough. Wash a full rinse no matter the quantity of cutlery and crockery. It is better to use a handwash. Handwash is better and removes food particles and grease as your hand can get those edges and corners that dishwashers cannot.

Second, you also save on water and electricity with hand washing. Saving the planet by making a difference begins with you. These efforts may seem small to you but work out big in the long run of planet-saving. The bonus is that your utility bill will automatically reduce as well so it is a win-win for you and the planet.

3. Smart Air Conditioning

Did you know three a quarter of your total electric bill is purely driven by your cooling unit? To reduce this bill, make sure you always have it on auto mode when at home so you don’t have the cooling continuously running when not needed. It is always advisable to keep your windows and doors closed and place curtains so you maintain your room temperature.

Another important fact you need to remember is that when you step out of the house, ensure that you leave your unit on 24 degrees Celsius which is also recommended by the government. This is because if you put your Air Conditioning off then it will create a lot of moisture in the room which may lead to mold formation. We also advise to not use the air conditioner during the winter season. Notice the difference immediately in the air quality when you regularly clean your AC filter and ducts.

4. Microwave Use

This is no rocket science but your microwave is also responsible for high utility bills. You can reduce these bills by simply switching it off from the socket when not in use. Leave the door open and keeps the microwave light on which also consumes a lot of energy. Even the clock which may seem small consumes a lot. Studies and research in the USA have proven that microwave clocks consume a lot of power when left on. No one uses this clock so why keep it running? Try using your gas stove if you need to heat things and are not in a hurry.

5. Lighting Fixtures

When it comes to lighting fixtures, they play an important role in energy consumption in our daily lives. Almost half of the time we leave our lights turned on. It is time to become smarter by using a few of TEMPO’s light-saving tips. If you stay in a huge place, you don’t need so many lights on all the time. Turn off lights when not n use.

The next tip is that you can replace your incandescent lights with LEDs. These lights consume less power, have a longer life span, and have directed light so there is not a lot of illumination that gets wasted. You also could install sensor lights for your buildings or passageways. This will not only help save power when not in use but automatically switch off when no one is around.

We hope these tips help you in some way when it comes to energy conservation at home. We are sure you may have some more brilliant ideas that you wish to share with us. Don’t forget to mention them in the comments.