Tips for Being Eco-Friendly This Summer


Green and Sustainable Living

Embrace a Greener Lifestyle

Watch your carbon footprint and be eco-friendly! The push toward sustainability is now. Sitting by idly or twiddling your thumbs is not the way to go about it. Get proactive and make smart decisions to promote the wellbeing of mankind and nature alike.

1. Keep your AC at a medium intensity.

Besides the fact that you do not want to be freezing, this is a great way to save energy. Wear loose, comfortable clothing and you will not suffer the perils of the heat.

2. Refrain from using high-powered electric fans.

Why not buy a handheld, manual fan? They are fun to use, and effectively blow gusts of cool air in your direction.

3. Take cold showers.

Instead of turning on your water heater, take advantage of the opportunity to take a cold shower and be refreshed!

4. Be conscious of your water usage

Don’t frivolously consume, but be wise and take responsibility.

5. Use sunlight instead of electric lighting.

A natural, and equally effective way to illuminate a room.

6. Unplug any appliances you aren’t using.

This one is simple: don’t waste energy!

7. Use a reusable water bottle.

Plastic water bottles may seem convenient, but in reality they are a waste of money and space. Reusable water bottles are durable, cheap, and guilt-free!

8. Carpool.

Save gas and enjoy the company of others!

9. Go walking/biking after dusk.

When the sun is down and the temperature drops, the outdoors becomes a friendlier place. Venture out with friends and have fun!

10. Eat less meat.

From the slaughterhouse to your plate, it takes a lot of resources to prepare meat. As an alternative, there is plenty of delicious vegetarian food!

Written by: Iman Chatila

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